
MaxiCode ActiveX Properties

DataToEncode Property
Returns or sets the data that is to be encoded in the barcode.

object.DataToEncode [ = sDataToEncode ]
Possible Values
DataToEncodeString that specifies or receives the barcode data.

The property is read/write.
Control characters and use of the tilde
To insert special characters, the "~" character is used. Below you can see available values of special characters.
  • ~xNN: Represents the hexadecimal value of NN, for example, if there is a combination of "~xA7", it will be replaced with the hexadecimal value of A7.
Special characters
You can encode some special characters – GS, RS, FS, CR, LF, and EOT. In order to do that, enclose the required character in the angle brackets, <>.
Example: 199<GS>840<LF>012<EOT>

Different modes (the Mode property) allow encoding different data.

Mode 2 and 3
In these modes, DataToEncode must contain postal code, country code and service class. The country code and service class are to be numeric and contain 3 digits. The postal code in mode 2 is to contain up to 9 numerics, and in mode 3 – up to 6 alphanumerics; if there are more, the excess characters will be truncated.


Mode 2
123456789840012HELLO WORLD

123456789 - postal code
840 - country code
012 – service class
HELLO WORLD – data to be encoded into the secondary message

Mode 3
B1050056999HELLO WORLD

B1050- postal code
056- country code
999– service class

If the data begins with [)>, DataToEncode has the following structure:
123456789 - postal code
840 - country code
001 – service class

In this case, the code, country code and service class will be encoded into the primary message, and [)>01961Z00004951 – into the secondary one.

In modes 2 and 3, postal code, country code and service class are always encoded into the primary message; the rest of the data goes into the secondary one. In modes 4, 5 and 6, a part of the data is encoded into the primary, and the remainder – into the secondary one.

Mode 4, 5, 6

These modes allow encoding any data.
Mode 5 uses Enhanced Error Correction (EEC).
Mode 6 is used for programming scanner.

Mode Property
Returns or sets the encoding mode of the MaxiCode barcode.

object.Mode [ = eMode ]
Possible Values
eModeValue that specifies or receives the encoding mode of the MaxiCode barcode

2em2Modes 2 and 3 are designed for use in the transport industry. They encode the destination address and the class of service as defined by the carrier.
4em4Mode 4 indicates that the symbol employs EEC (Enhanced Error Correction) in the Primary Message and SEC (Standard Error Correction) for the Secondary Message.
5em5Mode 5 indicates that the symbol employs EEC for both the Primary and Secondary Message.
6em6Mode 6 indicates that the symbol encodes a message used to program the reader system and that SEC is used for the Secondary Message.

The property is read/write.

BackColor Property
Returns or sets the background color of a bar code.

object.BackColor [ = sColor ]
Possible Values
sColorValue that specifies or receives the background color

The property is read/write.
The BackColor property is ignored if the Transparent property setting is true.

The valid range for a normal RGB color is 0 to 16,777,215 (&HFFFFFF). The high byte of a number in this range equals 0; the lower 3 bytes, from least to most significant byte, determine the amount of red, green, and blue, respectively. The red, green, and blue components are each represented by a number between 0 and 255 (&HFF).

ForeColor Property
Returns or sets the foreground color of all bars in a bar code object.

object.ForeColor [ = sColor ]
Possible Values
sColorValue that specifies or receives the foreground color

The property is read/write.

FreezeEncoding Property
This property pauses or resumes encoding the MaxiCode. It makes sense to use this method in heavily loaded application, for example, web services, etc.

object.FreezeEncoding [ = bFreezeEncoding ]
Possible Values
bFreezeEncodingBoolean that specifies or receives the FreezeEncoding property

The property is read/write.