
DataMatrix ASP.NET Web Control Methods

Barcodes.DataMatrix Namespace

DataMatrixWebControl Class
Barcodes.DataMatrixWeb.dll assembly
About Method
Returns an about information.

string About()
Return Value
String that specifies an about information.

WriteToBinaryStream Method
This method is similar to SaveToImageFile, but instead of saving the image to a file it represents it as a byte array.

ErrorCodes WriteToBinaryStream(System.IO.Stream stream, int width, int height, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat fmt)


streamSpecifies an image stream.
widthAn integer that defines the barcode width.
heightAn integer that defines the barcode height.
fmt Specifies an image format.

Return Value


SaveToImageFile Method
Saves the image of the barcode to a file.

ErrorCodes SaveToImageFile(double cx, double cy, string sFileName, 
int lRes, Dimensions dm)
cxA double that defines the barcode picture width.
cyA double that defines the barcode picture height.
sFileNameA string expression defining the file name.
lResA integer value that sets the picture resolution.
dmThe Dimensions value. This value defines the units that should be used to specify cx and cy. See remarks.
Return Value
The format the file will be saved in depends on the extension of the file name For example, if you specify sFileName as "img1.jpg", the barcode will be saved as JPEG.
The following extensions can be used - "wmf", "emf", "bmp", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "tiff" and "png".

If the size of an image (cx, cy) is not specified in pixels, its actual size will be calculated using the specified picture resolution - lRes.
/* 1.
Save the image to a file of the JPEG format. The size of the image will be 200x200 pixels.*/

dataMatrixControl1.SaveToImageFile( 200, 200, "c:\\DataMatrix.jpg", 0, Barcodes.DataMatrix.Dimensions.dmPixels );

/* 2.
Save the image to a file of the JPEG format. The size of the image will be 25x25 millimeters with the resolution of 300 dpi.*/

dataMatrixControl1.SaveToImageFile( 25, 25, "c:\\DataMatrix.jpg", 300, Barcodes.DataMatrix.Dimensions.dmMM ) ;

/* 3.
Calculate the required matrix size. See GetMatrixSize method.*/

double w, h;
dataMatrixControl1.GetMatrixSize( 4, 96, 96, Barcodes.DataMatrix.Dimensions.dmPixels, Barcodes.DataMatrix.Dimensions.dmPixels, out w, out h );
// Save the image to a file of the JPEG format. The barcode will have the x-dimension of 4 pixels.
dataMatrixControl1.SaveToImageFile( w, h, "c:\\DataMatrix.jpg", 96, Barcodes.DataMatrix.Dimensions.dmPixels ) ;

DrawMatrixToSize Method
Draws the DataMatrix bar code in the device context or Graphics object. You can use either printer or screen.

ErrorCodes DrawMatrixToSize(double x, double y, double cx, double cy, Dimensions dm, IntPtr hDC)

ErrorCodes DrawMatrixToSize(double x, double y, double cx, double cy, Dimensions dm, Graphics gr)


XA double value that defines the X coordinate of the barcode.
YA double value that defines the Y coordinate of the barcode.
CXA double that defines the datamatrix width.
CYA double that defines the datamatrix height.
dmA Dimensions value. This value defines the units that should be used to specify cx and cy.
hDCThe handle of the device context where the barcode will be drawn.
gr A Graphics object.

Return Value


GetMatrixSize Method
This method calculate the width and height that the DataMatrix must have in order to get the necessary x-dimension.

ErrorCodes GetMatrixSize(double lModule, int xRes, int yRes, Dimensions dmIn, Dimensions dmOut, out double width, out double height)


lModuleThis double value that defines the necessary x-dimension.
xResA long value that defines the resolution (in dpi) along x axis.
yResA long value that defines the resolution (in dpi) along y axis.
dmInA Dimensions value. This value defines the units that should be used to specify lModule.
dmOutA Dimensions value. This value defines the units that should be used to specify the width.
widthReturns the necessary DataMatrix width.
heightReturns the necessary DataMatrix height.

Return Value

double wMM, hMM;
dataMatrixControl1.GetMatrixSize( 0.5, (int)ev.Graphics.DpiX, (int)ev.Graphics.DpiY, Dimensions.dmMM, Dimensions.dmMM, out wMM, out hMM );