DataMatrixControl Class
DataToEncode Property
Returns or sets the data that is to be encoded in the barcode. Syntax Possible Valuesobject.DataToEncode [ = sDataToEncode ] Control characters and use of the tilde To insert special characters, the "~" character is used. Below you can see available values of special characters. |
PreferredFormat Property
Returns or sets the the preferred format of the DataMatrix barcode. Syntax Possible Valuesobject.PreferredFormat [ = ePreferredFormat ]
EncodingMode Property
Returns or sets the encoding mode of the DataMatrix barcode. Syntax Possible Valuesobject.EncodingMode [ = eEncodingMode ]
Orientation Property
Returns or sets the orientation of the barcode. Syntax Possible Valuesobject.Orientation [ = eOrientation ]
Transparent Property
Returns or sets a value indicating whether the background of a DataMtrix control is transparent or opaque. Syntax Possible Valuesobject.Transparent [ = bTransparent ]
BackColor Property
Returns or sets the background color of a bar code. Syntax Possible Valuesobject.BackColor [ = sColor ]
ForeColor Property
Returns or sets the foreground color of all bars in a bar code object. Syntax Possible Valuesobject.ForeColor [ = sColor ]
QuietZone Property
Returns or sets a value that determines whether to include quiet zones at either end of all linear bar code symbols. Syntax Possible Valuesobject.QuietZone [ = bQuietZone ] Remarks Quiet Zones are small areas of blank space at either end of a bar code image. This space helps to insure that a bar code reader will be able to correctly determine the true beginning and end of a bar code symbol. Most bar code symbology specifications require quiet zones therefore it is highly recommended that you enable this option. |
AlignH Property
Returns or sets a horizontal barcode alignment. Syntax Possible Valuesobject.AlignH [ = eAlignH ]
AlignV Property
Returns or sets a vertical barcode alignment. Syntax Possible Valuesobject.AlignV [ = eAlignV ]
StructuredAppend Property
Returns or sets a value that determines whether to enable the structured append. Syntax Possible Valuesobject.StructuredAppend [ = bStructuredAppend ] Remarks Structured append allows files of data to be represented in up to 16 Data Matrix symbols. The original data can be correctly reconstructed regardless of the order in which the symbols are scanned. |
StructuredAppendPos Property
Returns or sets a value that determines the matrix position in the structured append. Syntax Possible Valuesobject.StructuredAppendPos [ = iStructuredAppendPos ] Remarks This value indicates the position of the datamatrix symbol within the set (up to 16) of ECC 200 symbols in the Structured Append format. |
StructuredAppendTotal Property
Returns or sets a value that determines the total number of the symbols to be concatenated in the Structured Append format. Syntax Possible Valuesobject.StructuredAppendTotal [ = iStructuredAppendTotal ]
StructuredAppendID Property
Returns or sets a value that determines the Structured Append identification. Syntax Possible Valuesobject.StructuredAppendID [ = iStructuredAppendID ] Remarks The purpose of the Structured Append identification is to increase the probability that only logically linked symbols are processed as part of the same message. |
QuietZoneSize Property
Returns or sets a value that determines the quiet zone size. QuietZoneSize is measured in modules. Module is a single cell in a matrix symbology used to encode one bit of data. Syntax Possible Valuesobject.QuietZoneSize [ = iQuietZoneSize ] Remarks This property does not make sense if the QuietZone property is equal to False. The minimum size of a quiet zone set by the standard ISO/IEC 16022:2000 is one module. |
IsDataToEncodeOk Property
Returns the value indicating whether the DataToEncode property is set correctly. Syntax Possible Valuesobject.IsDataToEncodeOk
IsMatrixSizeOk Property
Returns the value indicating whether the matrix size is specified correctly. Syntax Possible Valuesobject.IsMatrixSizeOk
MatrixFormat Property
Returns the actual format in which the matrix is encoded. This property can be useful if PreferredFormat=Auto. In this case, only the MatrixFormat property can give you the actual format of the matrix that was used in the Auto mode. Syntax Possible Valuesobject.MatrixFormat [ = eMatrixFormat ]