public enum PreferredFormats
fAuto = 0, //The format is selected automatically, i.e. the minimal
//available matrix allowing to encode the data is selected.
f10x10 = 1, //10x10
f12x12 = 2, //12x12
f14x14 = 3, //14x14
f16x16 = 4, //16x16
f18x18 = 5, //18x18
f20x20 = 6, //20x20
f22x22 = 7, //22x22
f24x24 = 8, //24x24
f26x26 = 9, //26x26
f32x32 = 10, //32x32
f36x36 = 11, //36x36
f40x40 = 12, //40x40
f44x44 = 13, //44x44
f48x48 = 14, //48x48
f52x52 = 15, //52x52
f64x64 = 16, //64x64
f72x72 = 17, //72x72
f80x80 = 18, //80x80
f88x88 = 19, //88x88
f96x96 = 20, //96x96
f104x104 = 21, //104x104
f120x120 = 22, //120x120
f132x132 = 23, //132x132
f144x144 = 24, //144x144
f8x18 = 25, //8x18
f8x32 = 26, //8x32
f12x26 = 27, //12x26
f12x36 = 28, //12x36
f16x36 = 29, //16x36
f16x48 = 30 //16x48
public enum EncodingModes
eAuto = 0, //Auto
eC40 = 2, //C40
eTEXT = 3, //TEXT
eBASE256 = 4, //BASE256
eANSIX12 = 6, //ANSIX12
public enum ErrorCodes
EC_OK = 0, //Ok
EC_FAIL = 1, //Error
EC_INVALIDARG = 2, //Invalid argument
EC_INVALIDDATATOENCODE = 3, //Invalid data to encode
EC_CANTFINDAUTOMATRIX = 4, //The data cannot be placed in Auto mode
EC_INVALIDPREFFORMAT = 5, //Invalid datamatrix preferred datamatrix format
EC_DATACANTBEPLACED = 6, //Invalid data
EC_CANTAPPENDREEDSOLOMON = 7, //Cannot append Reed-Solomon datawords
EC_INVALIDENCODINGMODE = 8, //Invalid datamatrix encoding mode
EC_INVALIDSIZE = 9, //Invalid datamatrix size